AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra, 1 liter can
Specifications, approvals & recommendations:
Aeroshell Oil Diesel Ultra is approved to Mercedes Benz specification 229.5, recognised and required by the leading Diesel aero engine manufacturers.
Approved for use in the following engines:
Whilst this is correct at the time of writing, testing is ongoing to extend this approval listing as new engines are produced.
– Thielert/Centurion engines: 1.7 & 2.0 Centurion (other models yet to be produced).
– SMA: SR305-230E
– Austro Engine: AE300
– Mercedes Benz: MB 229.5
– ACEA: meets the requirements of A3/B4
– API: meets the requirements of SL/CF
– SAE: viscosity grade 5W-30