Contact us

Please feel free to contact us. We are confident we can help you
in furthering your business and look forward to meeting you.

Huygensstraat 15
Berkel en Rodenrijs
2652 XK – The Netherlands

Phone: +31(0)10 440 09 80
Fax: +31(0)10 440 09 88

Available from Mo-Fri, 08:00 – 17:00

As an independent niche supplier in an number of industries Milispec offers the possibility for manufacturers to apply for distribution possibilities through our company.

Milispec builds on long lasting partnerships with both manufacturers and customers and has limited possibilities to add products and representations to its portfolio.

If you feel that your products add value to our product range into the markets we are active, please send an email to and ask for the suppliers questionnaire.

After evaluation of the questionnaire we will contact you to discuss any interest, business opportunities and more.

Manufacturers and Suppliers are annually evaluated on performance and will be advised on improvements to be made.

Then again, being represented by Milispec is not just for any brand. You need to qualify and you will be audited to prove the similar mind set towards our customers needs.

Still interested? Please request the questionnaire.